Thursday, September 30, 2010

Look what we did!

I just had to upload some of these pictures of two quilts that Deanna and I just completed. 

The red and cream was done by Deanna: custom quilted with cross-hatching and a design in the center of the block.  The entire quilt was done with stitch-in-the-ditch around the piecing.  It's a Christmas theme quilt, so the flower design in the centers of the blocks represents a poinsettia.  This quilt turned out beautifully!

For those of you that participated in our Block of the Month program at our former quilt shop, the second quilt is a completed BOM that I custom quilted.  Lots of stitch-in-the-ditch as well as continuous curves in the star blocks.  Then to soften it up a bit, I freehanded leaves in the sashings and feathers in the setting triangles.  I'm very please with how this turned out, and I'm anxious to get our former shop sample completed so that we can hang it for all to see!  And for those of you interested in having me quilt your BOM's...I will extend a 10% discount to you!  Give me a call or drop in and we can discuss quilting it just like this, or other options available.


Both quilts took some time to complete, but fun, fun, fun to do! 

More news: for those of you that are "hooked" on making the bowls out of fabric wrapped rope, we just recieved our AccuCut 3/4" strip cutter.  So, now you can bring in your fabric and we can whip it thru the AccuCut to give you your fabric strips!!  What can be easier???

We're hoping to have a little class/workshop on making the bowls and several other items using this rope method.  Stay tuned for news on that.

Deanna and I are quite pleased with the response we are getting from so many of you requesting we quilt your quilts.  Thank you so much!  Right now we are at a 2-3 week turn-around time, but as the holidays approach that time could increase.  We both suggest you get your holiday projects in early...those tree skirts, table runners, place mats and quilts! 

 We will be sending out our old newsletter in the next day or so to give some updates, so look for that in your email.  Remember tho, we will be eliminating the newsletter in the future and posting exclusively on this blog.  Oh....and feel free to leave your comments on the blog also!


  1. Hey, hey, hey! Great job on the quilting!!! Will be down to check out the new 3/4" die as well. Thanks!

  2. I am so impressed with those quilts. I saw them both in person and they translate beautifully on your blog. Congrats to both of you.

